Join one of the leading medical institutions in the country in achieving the goal of preventing cancer at Cedars-Sinai!
Postdoctoral researchers in the cancer cluster at Cedars-Sinai and the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute conduct research on extracellular vesicles, cancer stem cells, drug delivery, and many other topics and projects with the goal of discovering more effective ways to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer.
We recognize postdoctoral researchers serve as the driving force behind research endeavors and provide a platform to exchange ideas, monitor progress, receive feedback, and obtain advice on career development to encourage discussion and multidisciplinary collaboration.
Join us in the fight against cancer and apply now!

The research of Xiaojiang Cui, PhD is to decipher biochemical and signaling mechanisms of cancer metastasis and therapeutic resistance as well as utilize these mechanisms to identify potential targets for therapeutic interventions.